Hi All,
After posting last post I realized that I can re-use the code they have created to dynamically re-order the columns in the table. I played around a little bit and here is what I came up with.
Just name the tablix's header cells as h{Name} and the detail cells as d{Name} and pass the columns as comma separated in the string variable. This method will remove the unwanted columns and will get you the RDL file in a byte array, you can deploy this using SSRS web service end point and then render it.This will dynamically reorder the columns for you.
{Note: In my case I had to do this for the first tablix used in the report, You can tweak this to go to any of the tablix as per your requirement }
Code :
After posting last post I realized that I can re-use the code they have created to dynamically re-order the columns in the table. I played around a little bit and here is what I came up with.
Just name the tablix's header cells as h{Name} and the detail cells as d{Name} and pass the columns as comma separated in the string variable. This method will remove the unwanted columns and will get you the RDL file in a byte array, you can deploy this using SSRS web service end point and then render it.This will dynamically reorder the columns for you.
{Note: In my case I had to do this for the first tablix used in the report, You can tweak this to go to any of the tablix as per your requirement }
Code :
Private Function ModifyReportDefinition(ByVal pbytReportDefinition As Byte(), ByVal pstrRequiredColumn As String) As Byte()
Dim objMemorystream As New MemoryStream(pbytReportDefinition)
Dim xmlReportDoc As New XmlDocument
Dim xmlNode As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableHeaderCells As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableDetailCells As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableColumns As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableHeaderCellsNew As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableDetailCellsNew As xmlNode
Dim xmlTableColumnsNew As XmlNode
Dim xmlTablixColumnHierarchy As XmlNode
Dim xmlTablixColumnHierarchyNew As XmlNode
Dim xmlParentNode As xmlNode
Dim xmlCellNode As xmlNode
Dim xmlDocNode As xmlNode
Dim arlRequiredColumns As New ArrayList
Dim encoding As New ASCIIEncoding
Dim dblPageWidth As Double
Dim dblPageHeight As Double
Dim dblTotalWidth As Double = 0.0
Dim intCounter As Integer = 0
'Create an XmlNamespaceManager for resolving namespaces.
Dim nsmgr As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(xmlReportDoc.NameTable)
'Add the namespace for Report definition
nsmgr.AddNamespace("de", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition")
xmlDocNode = xmlReportDoc.DocumentElement
xmlTableHeaderCells = xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("//de:Body/de:ReportItems/de:Tablix/de:TablixBody/de:TablixRows/de:TablixRow/de:TablixCells", nsmgr)
xmlTableDetailCells = xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("//de:Body/de:ReportItems/de:Tablix/de:TablixBody/de:TablixRows/de:TablixRow", nsmgr)
xmlTableColumns = xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("//de:Body/de:ReportItems/de:Tablix/de:TablixBody/de:TablixColumns", nsmgr)
xmlTablixColumnHierarchy = xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("//de:Body/de:ReportItems/de:Tablix/de:TablixColumnHierarchy/de:TablixMembers", nsmgr)
xmlTableDetailCells = xmlTableDetailCells.NextSibling
xmlTableDetailCells = xmlTableDetailCells.SelectSingleNode("./de:TablixCells", nsmgr)
xmlTableHeaderCellsNew = xmlTableHeaderCells.Clone
xmlTableDetailCellsNew = xmlTableDetailCells.Clone
xmlTableColumnsNew = xmlTableColumns.Clone
xmlTablixColumnHierarchyNew = xmlTablixColumnHierarchy.Clone
'Loop through and identify the required columns
For Each pstrRequiredColumn In arlRequiredColumns
intCounter = 0
For Each xmlCellNode In xmlTableHeaderCells.ChildNodes
xmlNode = xmlCellNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:CellContents/de:Textbox", nsmgr)
'If the column is in the list, then add to the report.
If pstrRequiredColumn = xmlNode.Attributes("Name").Value.Substring(1) Then
xmlNode = xmlTableHeaderCells.ChildNodes.Item(0)
xmlNode = Nothing
xmlNode = xmlTablixColumnHierarchy.ChildNodes.Item(0)
xmlNode = Nothing
xmlNode = xmlTableDetailCells.ChildNodes.Item(intCounter)
If Not (xmlNode Is Nothing) Then
xmlNode = Nothing
xmlNode = xmlTableColumns.ChildNodes(intCounter)
If Not (xmlNode Is Nothing) Then
dblTotalWidth = dblTotalWidth + CDec(xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:Width", nsmgr).InnerText().Replace("in", ""))
End If
xmlNode = Nothing
End If
Exit For
End If
intCounter = intCounter + 1
Next xmlCellNode
Next pstrRequiredColumn
'Take out the existing Header node and add New and re-ordered Header node
xmlParentNode = xmlTableHeaderCells.ParentNode
'Take out the existing Details node and add New Details node
xmlParentNode = xmlTableDetailCells.ParentNode
xmlParentNode = xmlTableColumns.ParentNode
'Take out the existing Table columns node and add New Table columns node
xmlParentNode = xmlTablixColumnHierarchy.ParentNode
'Now, since we may have removed some columns, we will have to set the new width to the report
xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:Width", nsmgr).InnerText = dblTotalWidth & "in"
dblPageWidth = 8.5
dblPageHeight = 11
'Determine if we have to use "Letter" or "Legal" sized paper.
If dblTotalWidth > 9 Then
dblPageWidth = 14
dblPageHeight = 8.5
ElseIf dblTotalWidth > 6.5 Then
dblPageWidth = 11
dblPageHeight = 8.5
End If
xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:Page/de:PageWidth", nsmgr).InnerText = dblPageWidth & "in"
xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:Page/de:PageHeight", nsmgr).InnerText = dblPageHeight & "in"
''set width to Report Header
xmlDocNode.SelectSingleNode("./de:Page/de:PageHeader/de:ReportItems/de:Textbox[@Name='ReportTitle']/de:Width", nsmgr).InnerText = (dblPageWidth - 2) & "in"
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Get modified xml definition
Return encoding.GetBytes(xmlReportDoc.InnerXml)
End Function